Disclosure Code

In order to ensure smooth progress in medicine necessary for public health, companies in the pharmaceutical industry have adopted a Healthcare Professionals (HCP) and Healthcare Organisations (HCO) Disclosure Code.

According to the Disclosure Code, companies undertake to disclose:

  • information on their contribution to the development of medical competence and qualifications; 
  • information on the use of medical practitioners in clinical trials related to medical innovations;
  • other information.

This information is provided by companies in the pharmaceutical industry by disclosing transfers of value to healthcare professionals or healthcare organisations.

Value can be a non-monetary benefit (e.g. when a company finances the self-improvement of a medical professional at a conference dedicated to their therapeutic field by paying for flight tickets or conference registration fees) or a cash payment (e.g. when the company pays for a doctor’s participation in clinical trials of innovative treatments).

IPIA members implement the provisions of the Disclosure Code in accordance with applicable competition and data protection laws, regulations, and other statutory requirements.

More information: www.vaistukodeksas.lt